Custom Embroidery


*Fabric not included, please add separately to cart*
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SKU: embroi-3 Categories: ,


Choose your design, choose your size: flower to flower embroidery, add choice of fabric to cart.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 3.75 × .5 in

Callalily, Daisy1, Daisy2, Daisy3, Design4, Design5, Design6, Design7, Flower1, Flower2, Flower5, Flower6, Flower7-1, Flower7-2, Hibiscus1, Lavender, Leaf1, Leaves1, Leaves2, Peony1, Peony3, Peony4-1, Peony4-2, Peony6, Peony7, Rose1, Rose10, Rose2-1, Rose2-2, Rose3, Rose4, Rose5, Rose6, Rose7, Rose8, Rose8-2, Rose9, Willow